Sunset Scumbles the Ochre
Kayak’s Hull with Blush,
as we sit on the dock, sipping
Burgundy from clear plastic cups.
Love is so subjective anyway,
like shadows on the dazzling azure sea.
In fact life can look peachy one day
and be blood red fury the next.
To me a broken quahog is beautiful.
She likes seashells perfectly scalloped
and bone dry. I am attracted to
the colors of the mallard, its neck
sheened purple and green.
She stays clear of that palette.
Color is just a thought.
Even the loyalty of a Golden
Retriever is, by nature, blind.
About the Poet
Grey Held is a recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship in Creative Writing. His first book, Two-Star General, was published by Brick Road Poetry Press. His second book, Spilled Milk, was published by WordPress.