Submissions are open.
What we look for:
All poems should be new or unusual in form, content or idea that previous poets have not ventured. We want uniqueness: a poem only you can write.
Poetry Submissions: Please submit 3-8 unpublished poems in the body of the email (no attachments) to Write “Poetry sub:” followed by poem titles in the email subject. Feel free to include a brief biography of 100 words or less (this is optional). We will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Don’t query before 6 months.
Art Submissions: Please send 1-5 unpublished art (photos, drawings, etc.) as a jpeg or tiff in an attachment to
Fiction Submissions: We don’t accept fiction unless it’s a disguised prose poem.
Other: simultaneous submissions are not preferred, but allowed. Multiple submissions: Only one submission will be considered at a time, but you can submit again after receiving a response.
Rights: If your poetry or art is accepted at Modern Poetry Quarterly Review, you agree to give us First North American Serial Rights, online Archival Rights, and Anthology Rights to reprint in annual anthologies. All rights revert back to the author after publication. Please note Modern Poetry Quarterly Review as the journal where your work was first published.
For previous contributors, please wait about 6 months before submitting again.