Two Poems by Changming Yuan

Mindful Mindset

1/ Here: Into the Reality
You see, here’s the leaf dyed with the full
Spectrum of autumn; here’s the dewdrop
Containing all the dreams made on the
Darkest corner of last night; here’s the
Light pole in the forest where gods land
From another higher world; here’s the swirl
You can dance with to release all your
Stresses against the Virus. Here you are in
Deed as in need embracing
.                                                      The most
Mindful moment, when you can readily
Measure your feel with each breath, but do
Not think about time, which is nothing but
A pure human invention. Just point every
Synapse of yours to this locale. Here is now

2/ Now: The Art of Living
.       With my third eye I glaze into
The present moment, & there I find it
Full of pixels, each of which is
Unfurling slowly like a koru into
A whole new brave world that I
Can spend days, even months to watch
As if from
.                             A magic kaleidoscope


To Get(her) Together: for Helena Qi Hong

1/ Loveland
.                            As small as the screen of a cellphone
But much larger than the largest continent on earth
This virtual land boasts our private Peach Flower
Garden built with every thought & image digitalized &
Auto-managed by the powerful algorithm of
                          Yes, deeply lost in this land
Of tenderness, warmth and spiritual intercourse &
Joined rather than separated by the Pandemic
We live deep in the heart of feel, where we forget to
Ask: “Which dynasty is it now outside of our garden?”

2/ Physical Contact
Via weixin, I can see & hear you vividly every day, or
Even every minute on a particular day, but I can
Never touch your fair, soft, rich & smooth skin, smell
Your unperfumed femininity, & taste your
Sun-painted mouth in the shape of a big split cherry

So, at my repeated requests, you snail-mailed me
A hand-written letter enveloped with a lock of your
Undyed hair. Whenever it gets too cold, I can feel
The warmth of your handwriting, digesting your
Tenderness behind the Chinese characters, smelling
Your hair like fresh grass growing after a spring rain
                                                     Or from your very thought

About the Poet
Changming Yuan hails with Allen Yuan from Poetry Pacific ( His credits include 12 Pushcart nominations & chapbooks (most recently LIMERENCE) besides appearances in Best of the Best Canadian Poetry (2008-17), Poetry Daily & BestNewPoemsOnlineand 1929 others. Yuan both served on the jury and was nominated for Canada’s National Magazine (poetry category).